

本赛季Hyundai N车型为伊兰特N TCR。



壳牌捷凯领克车队由冠军之师 TEAMWORK 捷凯运营,由领克汽车、吉利汽车运动部提供支持。2020赛季,壳牌捷凯领克车队车手马青骅夺得 TCR China 年度车手总冠军。2021赛季,车队派出马青骅、张志强、王日昇三位职业车手,驾驶领克 03 TCR 赛车参与 TCR Asia 赛事角逐。


CTCC-R2 Andy Yan`s Hat-trick and David Zhu’First Victory
source:CTCC Official Website Date:2013/5/29 0:00:00


On May 26th., 2013, the second round of Sinopec Lubricants China Touring Car Championship of 2013 battles at the Shanghai International Circuit . David Zhu from Beijing Hyundai Team won the Championship in the China Production Group , Cui Yue from Saida RSR Team, and Chen Xu from Haima Fumeilai Team ranked the second and the third respectively. Andy Yan from Chang’an Ford Team has won the title in Super Quantity Production Group , while Shanghai Volkswagen 333 Team Wang Rui got the second prize, and Zhang Shengjun of ASR Da-Marco ranked the third.



As to the Red Bull Best Lap, Cui Yue from Saida RSR Team is the winner of the China Production Group. Andy Yan from Chang’an Ford Team of Super Quantity Production Group got the prize.



New Track Layout

In touring car racing, more compact track layout to provide a better viewing experience, while increasing the times of racing through the stands, which brings more fun for the audiences. Historically, the CTCC held races at the Shanghai International Circuit races with several different track layouts, and this time, is an entirely new compact layout. With the raceway lap length of 2.2 km, a CTCC game schedules 27 laps, allowing audience to have a better visual sensibility. New layout requires more for the racing car. The large straight track test the engine for racing performance, and continuous high speed cornering tests the chassis functions. Only cars which satisfied both two conditions can win the competition here.

David Zhu Wrestling the Championship Dramatically

Three-wide!In racing games, this English word is used to describe the unique vocabulary of three side-by-side racing car in the track. Every time the word three-wide appears, was accompanied by a racing commentator screaming. 2013 CTCC China Shanghai was fierce, more than ever. Before the finishing line, Beijing Hyundai Team, Guangqi Toyota Yaris Team, Saida RSR Team, Haima Fumeilai Team : five racing cars is almost at the same line in the race, staged close hand-to-hand combat, and the arena even appeared 5 parallel cars, and 3 cars making the turn at the same time! Particularly worth mentioning is the champion David Zhu of Beijing Hyundai Team, during qualifying racing yesterday, he won his first pole position of his CTCC career. However, after the accident at the start, he jumped to the seven. Here comes the show! Wan Jincun first bent the rear rider and hit against the wall, and Haima Fumeilai Team Chen Xu was also affected, David Zhu finally reached the top during the confusion of all the cars, magically achieve reversal after first won pole position in the CTCC, and win his first CTCC champion!



Andy Yan Had a Hat-trick, Zhang Shengjun Achieve His Breakthrough

Last season, Andy Yan from Chang’an Ford Team won two Championships of Super Quantity Production CTCC held in Shanghai. In this season, Andy Yan won the pole position on last Saturday and starting quickly, and ultimate succeeded in their Shanghai International Circuit in the competition on Sunday. This is the third time continuous for him to get the first place in CTCC held at Shanghai International Circuit. So he got a new nickname ‘Shanghai track specialist’.



Shanghai Volkswagen 333 Team Wang Rui got the second prize after he got the first place in last round of CTCC 2013. He is the highest score holder. In this way, The Competition between Chang’an Ford Team and Shanghai Volkswagen 333 Team continues.

Zhang Shengjun from ASR DAMARCO Team, after one year of CTCC training, today he plays tough among with the other players, and got the third at the finishing line, which brought us all a surprise.Two weeks later, Sinopec Lubricants China Touring Car Championship of 2013 will move to Shanghai Tianma Circuit. New legends will begin on June 8-9th. Let’s look forward to it.

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