

本赛季Hyundai N车型为伊兰特N TCR。



壳牌捷凯领克车队由冠军之师 TEAMWORK 捷凯运营,由领克汽车、吉利汽车运动部提供支持。2020赛季,壳牌捷凯领克车队车手马青骅夺得 TCR China 年度车手总冠军。2021赛季,车队派出马青骅、张志强、王日昇三位职业车手,驾驶领克 03 TCR 赛车参与 TCR Asia 赛事角逐。


Good Start for Changan Ford Racing Team in CDIC
source:Changan Ford Racing Team Date:2012/6/16 0:00:00

The Round 3 qualifying of China Touring Car Championship was started this afternoon at 16:00 with wet track. Changan Ford Racing Team driver Tengyi Jiang captured the Pole Position, following by his team mates: Andy Yan and Rainey He. Gaoxiang Fan will start from fifth position for tomorrow’s race.



 Very light drizzles came down during the day and got heavier an hour ago before the qualifying session. Although the rain stopped right before the session, the team had to run the session with rain tire because of the wet circuit. Four New Ford Focus hit the track immediately when the green light turned on. Tengyi Jiang was the first car that broke the 1:47 mark and lead the time sheet at the early stage. He then bettered his own time in lap 7 with a lap time of 1:46.022 and gained the pole position. Andy Yan was only 0.218 seconds slower than his team mate.

As the qualifying continued, the track became dryer but not dry enough to go to slick tires. Rainey He came in to change into new rain tires. He made his fastest time in lap 7 with 1:46.523 right after his returning to track. At this point, the four New Ford Focus occupied the top four positions of the time sheet.



However, at the late stage of the session, VW Polo No.6 driver Han Han took the advantage of the dry track and made a time with 0.051 seconds faster than Gaoxiang Fan and gained the fourth position in tomorrow’s grid.

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