

本赛季Hyundai N车型为伊兰特N TCR。



壳牌捷凯领克车队由冠军之师 TEAMWORK 捷凯运营,由领克汽车、吉利汽车运动部提供支持。2020赛季,壳牌捷凯领克车队车手马青骅夺得 TCR China 年度车手总冠军。2021赛季,车队派出马青骅、张志强、王日昇三位职业车手,驾驶领克 03 TCR 赛车参与 TCR Asia 赛事角逐。


Rainey He takes pole at Ordos for Round 5
source:touringcartimes Date:2012/8/18 0:00:00

Rainey He has claimed pole position for the fifth round of CTCC at the Ordos International Circuit. Shanghai VW 333 Racing drivers Han Han and Gao Hua Yang qualified in second and third.




Wang Rui of Shanghai VW 333 Racing set his time of 1:54.230 at the start of the qualifying session. His teammate Han Han soon broke Wang's record and raised the target time to 1:53.190.


Then Chang'an Ford FRD Team made a serious fight, with Rainey He and Fan Guo Xian setting times of 1:52.692 and 1:53.188 respectively, dropping the two VW drivers to third and fourth.


Gao Hua Yang then came back with a time of 1:53.135 to go second, with Han also improving, dropping his team-mate to third and stealing second on the grid with a time of 1:53.126.


GDTV TSB Racing made a surprise return to the Championship after missing the last round, and were the fastest normally aspirated cars in their Honda Accords. The team's drivers, Cheung Hon Bil and Roger Leung Tai Ming, qualified in eighth and tenth position respectively.


The Super Production race of CTCC will be held at 13:22 (local time) on Sunday 19th August.


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