

本赛季Hyundai N车型为伊兰特N TCR。



壳牌捷凯领克车队由冠军之师 TEAMWORK 捷凯运营,由领克汽车、吉利汽车运动部提供支持。2020赛季,壳牌捷凯领克车队车手马青骅夺得 TCR China 年度车手总冠军。2021赛季,车队派出马青骅、张志强、王日昇三位职业车手,驾驶领克 03 TCR 赛车参与 TCR Asia 赛事角逐。


Opening Up: Tengyi, Sun Chao and Chen Xu Got the Summit
source:CTCC Official Date:2014/4/27 21:13:44

On April 27, the SINOPEC LUBRICANTS CTCC 2014 season opened in Guangdong International Circuit in Zhaoqing. In Super Production Group, the newly member of Shanghai Volkswagen 333 Team driver Jiang Tengyi won a new season's first crown. Changan Ford Darryl Young won the second, and his teammate Xie Xinzhe won the third place. With the China Production Group, this was the first time in the history of CTCC holding two rounds in a race day without any going into the pit for a rest. After the first round of seven laps of the race, Beijing Hyundai Team Sun Chao got the first champion, and teammate Yue Cui got the second, Saida RSR Xia Yu achieved the third. And in roulnd 2, Chen Xu got the finishing line from the chaos, won the victory, Cui Yue and Xia Yu reached the second and third. Among them, the .Red Bull fastest lap award of Super Production Group went to Xie Xinzhe from Changan Ford, while the Redbull Award of fastest lap in China Production Group  is obtained by Liu Yang.


Changan Ford Lost the Champion

If Saturday's qualifying team is a nightmare for Shanghai Volkswagen 333, and the performance of Jiang Tengyi on Sunday in the competition should be impressive to everyone. Because of the flat tire, Changan Ford had lost the fortune to be No.1. In this round, they swept the second to the fourth, only to see the highest podium was occupied by the rival. After all, Jiang Tengyi had been racing for Changan Ford for five years, and managed to know the racing strategy and skills of Changan Ford.

Guangdong International Circuit, though not long, only 2.8 kilometers, but there is through-road, a combination of high and low speed corners, both exhaust tires and brakes consumption. Zhang Zhendong and Zhen Zhuowei on successive blowout and missed the podium. Fortunately, Changan Ford now is currently leads the standings with winning the 2-3-4 rankings advantage,


Sun Chao gained his first victory; Chen Xu got the first place through hard work

Sun Chao, nicknamed by the media as who is competitive both in CTCC and rally, immediately demonstrated his extraordinary speed after joining Beijing Hyundai Team. In several tests and practice sessions he used to get the top; also occupied the first place in qualifying on Saturday for up to ten minutes. Although the final did not win the pole, but the first round of performance was impressive: a good start and took the lead, and gained his first career victory.

The second round of competition, according to the rules, the top ten reverse to start, that means the starting rehearsal process was interrupted. After the start of the race, there were many thrilling scenes, the audience can not help but exclaim, it seemed that the collision of China Production Group is still the favorite part of the audience. Eventually, Chen Xu won the victory. Two rounds of the second have made Yue Cui leads the standings.

Transfers Bittersweet Experience

It is worth noting that the three riders won victory in this race are the ones who have gone through transfer to the new teams. Shanghai Volkswagen 333 Team Jiang Tengyi won in the Super Production Group, Beijing Hyundai Team Sun Chao won the China Production Group first round victory. GTMC TOYOTA Yaris-L Team Chen Xu overtook the China Production Group in the second round victory. Changan Ford newly signing Darryl O'Young also played outstanding who won the runner-up in the Super Production Group.

But for the using of the new car, the whole weekend was also bittersweet. Chen Xu hand in hand with GTMC TOYOTA Yaris L getting the first prize, also there was Jiekai Team Sunny Wong driving Dongfeng Citroen New Elysee racing absence from the race, BAIC MOTOR Xin Gang Team David Zhu was on mechanical failure from the third on the grid, and direct pushed back to the maintenance area to retire. So all the new teams or who was using a new car is now look for a way to get the satisfaction results as soon as possible.

However, there isnt much time. 2014 CTCC schedule is really tight, there is competition every two weeks, and all the four races finished within one and a half month, leaving the team little time for upgrading and adjustment of the car. On May 10-11, two weeks later, the second sub-station would be in Zhuhai. Let's Meet in the Zhuhai International Circuit, rain or shine.  

<<Previous:Darryl O’ Young joins Changan Ford Racing Team in CTCC Next>>:Great Opening round for 2014