

本赛季Hyundai N车型为伊兰特N TCR。



壳牌捷凯领克车队由冠军之师 TEAMWORK 捷凯运营,由领克汽车、吉利汽车运动部提供支持。2020赛季,壳牌捷凯领克车队车手马青骅夺得 TCR China 年度车手总冠军。2021赛季,车队派出马青骅、张志强、王日昇三位职业车手,驾驶领克 03 TCR 赛车参与 TCR Asia 赛事角逐。


Darryl O’ Young joins Changan Ford Racing Team in CTCC
source:Changan Ford Racing Team Date:2014/4/8 10:32:05

Changan Ford Racing Team is happy to announce that Darryl O’Young will race in the China Touring Car Championship (CTCC) for the 2014 season. Together with Rainey He, Andy Yan and Martin Xie, this completes a super driver line-up for the team.

After achieving huge success in the Asian motor racing arena, Darryl moved on to the international scene such as FIA World Touring Car Championship (WTCC) and FIA GT1 World Championship. After years of pursue by the Changan Ford Racing Team to get his service, Darryl has finally decided to take up the new challenge of CTCC this year. 

"I have built my touring car experience in the WTCC over the past 4 seasons, so I'm hoping to bring my knowledge to help the team earn another championship." said Darryl. "Many of the drivers in CTCC are very experienced, with both the understanding of the races and also circuit knowledge, so I will have to work very hard with the team to get up to speed. The Changan Ford Racing Team is the most experienced and successful team in CTCC, and I am confident they will provide me with the car and support to succeed. Thank you to Changan Ford and FRD Motorsports for giving me this tremendous opportunity to enter the CTCC."  

Paul Hui, Director of the Changan Ford Racing Team expressed “For 2014, the Federation has implemented a set of very strange technical and sporting regulation which in my opinion is grossly bias towards the previous losing teams. So as the incumbent championship team, we have to work extra hard and look at all other factors to give back our winning edge.”

“In the last eight years, the team has been improving as a result of the small steps that we made and I am not going to deviate from that approach for this year. I want the team to learn more from the people with international experience and elevate ourselves further with respect to driver professionalism, organization and how to convert hard work into result with the highest efficiency.

So with the above two points in mind, Darryl is the perfect ingredient for me to achieve that and I want to thank Changan Ford for supporting us on this move.” added Paul.

The world-class Driver Darryl O’Young, who has 26 seasons experience in motor racing, will make his first debut in Guangdong International Circuit in April 26. It is believed that his joining of the team will help the team to another great campaign and bring an electrified season to audiences.


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